Professional Development Sessions
Going Beyond the Standards with
Bringing S.T.E.A.M.+ into the ECE Classroom Successfully
Writing: A Developmental Skills Approach
We're Still Having Fun! Mastering Skills the Early Chldhood Way
Facilitating Success with Insightful Motivation: Outcomes for Students and/or Staff
Toddler Insights and Best Practices (focus on frustration, biting, and DAP activities)
Learning with Technology in the Early Childhood Environment
Designing Inclusive, Independent Learning Centers for Preschool Children
Our Most Popular PD Topics in 2014:
If your desired topic is not listed, just ask!
We continuosly research areas of need and take pride in customizing sessions for our clients.
Cross-Over Training Programs
Staff, Students, and our
PD Professionals Work and
Learn Together!
Guaranteed Implementation
Because We are There to Guide Your Staff!